Terms & Conditions

  1. Definitions

1.1 “Legal Guardian” is the person/persons who attends the session with the player with the parent’s permission to do so.

1.2 “Parent” means the parent or the legal guardian who will be responsible for the payment of the fees and is the contracting party to this contract.

1.3 “1st Footy” means the company or partnership with whom the parent enters into an agreement.

1.4 “Coach” means the individual(s) contracted by 1st Footy to teach the session. Whilst every effort will be taken to try and maintain consistency of the coach 1st Footy unreservedly retains the right to change the coach where necessary.

1.5 “Sessions” are the 1st Footy classes you attend or enrol in.

1.6 “Fee” means the monetary costs for the sessions paid to 1st Footy.

1.7 “Venue” means the area where the sessions take place. Whilst every effort will be taken to try and maintain consistency of the venue, 1st Footy unreservedly retains the right to change the venue where necessary.

1.8 “Player” means the child attending the sessions with 1st footy whose details are specified by the parent on the registration form.

1.9 “T’s & C’s” indicate the terms and conditions set out within this document and any l terms set out by 1st Footy. 

1.10 “New Customers” refers to children of parents/carers who are attending the session of 1st Footy. 

1.11 “Registration Form” is to be completed and filled out by the parent\ legal guardian accurately during enrolment to inform of any medical, and additional needs the player has.

2.Acceptance of T’s & C’s

2.1 All those wishing to attend 1st Footy sessions need to agree to the T’s & C’s prior to enrollment.

2.2 All agreements related to the sessions by 1st Footy to the player are subject to these T’s &C’s.

2.3 Additions or variations to the T’s & C’s shall be deemed to be accepted if the parent is given 30 day’s notice in writing or verbally by 1st Footy.

3.Fees and Payments

3.1 Sessions are paid for monthly in advance and must be paid for by the parent/ legal guardian prior to the player attending the sessions unless agreed by 1st Footy. Subsequent monthly payments will be taken automatically on the 1st of every month. 

3.2 You hereby authorise 1st Footy to take automatic payments based on the above statement described in 3.1 until such time when you give 1st Footy four weeks notice in writing. Payments will be taken from the card on which you made your last payment.


4.1 1st Footy may terminate this contract at any given time before the Player attends the sessions for any reason. 1st Footy shall not be liable for any loss or damage for this cancellation.  

4.2 For the parent/ legal guardian to cancel the sessions, they must contact 1st Foot in writing. If the subscription payment is terminated via the bank/ standing order without informing 1st Footy, that calendar month’s Fee will still be owed to 1st Footy.  

4.3 In the circumstance of termination by the Parent/ legal guardian, four weeks notice of cancellation from the date of their last payment must be given to 1st Footy. 

4.4 In the circumstance of cancellation by the Parent/ legal guardian, no refund will be issued if it less than one calendar month remaining to the next dated payment. 


5.Parents Responsibility

5.1 The information sent out to 1st Footy within the registration form is to be filled out accurately so we can aid/adapt to meet the player’s needs, the parent/ legal guardian will inform 1st Footy of any changes in such information as soon as possible by updating the registration form or contacting 1st Footy.

5.2 The parent/ legal guardian understands and agrees that the player is under their direct care within the sessions, the parent/ legal guardian shall be responsible for the welfare and conduct of the player within the Sessions and whilst the player attends the venues. 

5.3 The Parent shall indemnify and keep indemnified Diddikicks against all loss (including loss of profit), liability, costs and expenses, which Diddikicks shall incur directly or indirectly as a consequence of any action or inaction of the Parent, the Guardian or the Player. 


6.1 The player and/or parent/ legal guardian is expected to behave in a civilised manner with respect towards everyone that is attending the session, the coaches are there to aid and deliver the development of the children and treating them with respect is imperative. 

6.2 In the circumstance that 1st Footy determines the behaviour of the Player and/or the parent/ legal guardian to be unacceptable to anybody that is attending the session, 1st Footy shall decide to exclude the player and the parent/ legal guardian from the Sessions and the venue permanently or for such a certain amount of time that will be stated by 1st footy. 

7.Exclusions of Liability

7.1 Except in the case of fraud, 1st Footy, its Coaches or employees accept no responsibility under any circumstances for any loss, damage, expense or delay, suffered by the Parent/ legal guardian and player. 

7.2 The Parent/ legal guardian understands that any claim by the parent/ legal guardian or the player against 1st Footy ( coach or employee) must be brought to the attention within 30 days of the event which gave rise to such a claim. Any claim thereafter shall be time-barred. 

7.3 The Parent/ legal guardian acknowledges, warrants and undertakes (for and on behalf of the parent/ the legal guardian/the player) that the maximum aggregate liability by 1st Footy To the Parent/legal guardian and or The Player under the T’s & C’s shall not exceed the Fee.

 7.4 All warranties and conditions whether implied by statute or otherwise are Excluded from this contract provided that nothing in this contract shall restrict or exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of 1st Footy, its coaches or employees affects the statutory rights of the Parent/ the legal guardian or the Player.

8. General

8.1 Any notices/ information from 1st Footy to the parent/legal guardian shall be sent by email, this will be given on the registration Form and shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee within one hour of sending.

8.2 Any notices/ information from 1st Footy to the parent/legal guardian shall be sent by email, and shall be deemed to have been received by 1st Footy once Responded to. 

8.3 Within the registration form photographic consent will be optional if this is agreed by the Parent/ legal guardian the photographic images and or videos of the session may be used within 1st Footy’s social media page or 1st Footy’s website. 

8.4 These T’s & C’s constitute that the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersede all prior agreements and understanding between the parties. It is agreed that no statement promised or inducement, whether written or orally agreed to have been made by either party which is now contained herein shall be binding or form part of this agreement.

8.5 1st Footy accepts the service of documents via email and any notices to be sent by either party to the other shall be sent in writing. 

8.6 The safety and well-being of your child or the child in your care is important to 1st Footy. We have a responsibility to report any inappropriate or suspicious behaviour to the relevant authorities.